Pikachu Box

A box has all you need to know about building cross platform desktop dapps with Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.


Welcome to Pikachu Box, a cross platform desktop dapps is waiting for your.

Based on Pikachu Box, you can build GUIs for your Python DApp using Electron and web technologies i.e HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This means taking advantage of the latest advancements in front-end web development to build desktop DApp but also taking advantages of Python and the powerful libraries it has to easily implement advanced requirements.

Getting Started

Setting up the development environment

There are a few technical requirements before we start. Please install the following:

Unboxing the dApp

Install Punica.

$ pip3 install punica

Download the pikachu-box.

$ punica unbox interplanetary-album

Create virtual environments (optional).

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages venv

If you choose to create a virtual environment, you may need to activate your project's virtual environment firstly.

Install the necessary dependencies.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ npm install

Run the dApp.

$ npm start

Last updated